Sorry Rhodders’ Junction11 radio show this will has been CANCELLED (due to exams) today BUT producer Siobhan 2.0 and Ben are saving you form dead air at 5:30- 7pm
Next Junction11 show?
Things should be back to relative normality on Wednesday June 1st as my last exam is in the morning. So tune in to Junction11 5:30pm on June 1st see schedule for details. After June 1st we have some very exciting interviews to announce, stay tuned! New podcasts should also start appearing after Rhodders’ exams.
1Radio’s Summer Sunshine Weekender 2011
You might remember around this time last year I did a show form my garden party- Well we’re doing the whole thing again for 1Radio’s summer weekender 2011.You will be able to experience all the mayhem via a video stream! Providing it doesn’t rain. tune in at