Tag: kissfm
Fact or fib 70 on Christmas Eve 24 12 15
listen to ‘Fact or fib 70 on Christmas Eve 24 12 15’ on audioBoom
Fact or Fib- Ketchup 08 10 15
listen to ‘Fact or Fib- Ketchup 08 10 15’ on audioBoom
KissFM- Why vending machines kill more then sharks 23 01 15
From Monday 2nd of Feb I will be out to Portugal to cohost the Kiss FM Breakfast show. Here’s what happened when I called the gang to answer the age old question of why vending machines kill more then sharks. listen to ‘KissFM- Why vending Read More …
Fact or Fib on KissFM 29 01 15
listen to ‘Fact or Fib on KissFM 29 01 15’ on audioBoom
Fact or Fib on KIssFM Portugal 15 01 15
listen to ‘Fact or Fib on KIssFM Portugal 15 01 15’ on audioBoom
Rhodders- Fact or Fib on Kiss FM Portugal
listen to ‘Rhodders- Fact or Fib on Kiss FM Portugal ’ on audioBoom