The show returns on Wednesday 20th!

Joyous news! Rhodders’ radio show returns on Wednesday the 20th at 5:30PM UK time on Junction11 Put it in your diary!

On the show this week…

We have an exclusive interview with Mr B The Gentleman Rhymer. This Spiffing Chap aims to introduce Hip-Hop to the Queen’s English, which he calls Chap-Hop. Mr. B rapsĀ  about high society, pipe smoking and cricket.

Show topic

Every week we like throw out a topic for you lot to get touch withus about. This term,with your help, we are compiling “Rhodders’ student survival guide”!

Chapter 1: What to bring to Uni

We want to know what useless things did YOU end up bringing to Uni? Particularly if your parents made you pack something pointless. Get in touch by posting your comment below.


2 Replies to “The show returns on Wednesday 20th!”

  1. I took a 4ft tall straw giraffe and a hatstand. The JCRs helped me unpack the car and it was like unpacking Mary Poppins’ bag.

    The hatstand proved more useful than the giraffe.

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