Due to various issues including exams and a holiday in Greece Rhodders and the team are quite behind with editing the radio shows for podcast but…
Have no fear summer holidays are here! Between them editor Jonathan and Rhodders will be releasing them soon. Below is the schedule for the next 3 episodes.to be the first to know when they are released to make sure you are on the mailing list.(sign up top of the page) on Rhodders’ Twitter and Facebook. Just remember Friday is Rhodcast day, Thank Rhod it’s Friday!
Subsribe on iTunes-and PLEASE write us a nice review!
Podcast release schedule so far…
Friday 22nd July- Juntion11 show 36, featuring interview with Absolute Radio’s Geoff Lloyd.
Friday 29th July- Juntion11 show 37, featuring interview with comedian Dave Gorman.
Friday 8th August- Podcast of Juntion11 show 38 . It’s News Anchor Chris’ last show!