Idle Talk 07 04 13 The meaning of meaning

On this week’s show we ask, what is the meaning of meaning?  To answer this we also had to tackle questions such as “what makes a statement meaningful?” and “what is it something to be meaningful?”. “From where do statements derive truth value or meaning. Read More …

Idle Talk 27 01 13 “Being inFORMed of Plato’s Cave”

This week we tackle one of philosophy’s most famous allegories, Plato’s cave. Something we have often alluded to on the show but never actually bothered to sit down and explain. The allegory of the cave gets us to question our access to knowledge and even Read More …

Idle Talk 11 11 12- “Fame! I want to live forever…”

This week’s topic is fame and the cult of celebrity. Illustrator Nicola is in the co host corner. We try to answer the questions: “why do we care about celebrities? What is a celebrity? Why do people want to be famous? And is there sociological Read More …